How to Make a Report on the Child Protective Services Text Line


How to Make a Report on the Child Protective Services Text Line – If you are concerned about a child, you can report it via text message or by calling the DFPS. For details, please read the sections below. Providing basic information about the child’s condition and wellbeing is essential. Include basic information about the abusers, too. Giving a detailed description will help CPS identify the perpetrators and determine the appropriate course of action. If you have any witnesses or other information about the abuse, they can also assist you.

Reporting child abuse

To report child abuse and neglect on the child protective services text line, you will need basic information about the child, including age, condition, and other specifics. Include the child’s name, caregiver’s name, and home and school addresses. Be sure to also have the child’s record, including name, date of birth, and emergency contact information. If you have more information, include it as well.

While it is important to be upfront and honest about the situation, it is also important to note that a child protective worker is only trying to help protect the child. If you report suspected child abuse or neglect, they will support you throughout the process, but it’s important to remember that most cases don’t result in removal. If the case involves a parent or other caregiver, DCFS will investigate the situation and notify the appropriate authorities.

Calling DFPS

There are a few things that you should keep in mind before calling the child protective services text line. First of all, you should include basic information about the situation. CPS workers will need information about the child’s current condition and well-being, as well as their caretakers’ names and contact information. Then, you should provide information about any other children who may be present during the incident. If you have any additional information, you can also include it.

Second, it is important to note that the number of calls from mandated reporters decreased between 2019 and 2020. The study authors believe that these calls and texts are related to the effects of the pandemic. The researchers, led by Dr. Robin Ortiz from the University of Pennsylvania and the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, reported 16,299 calls and 300 texts between March 2019 and May 2019. From the same time period in 2020, the researchers expected to receive 1,263 texts, an increase of 321%.


Child Protective Services
Child Protective Services


Making a report online

You can make a report online using a child protective services text line by calling their helpline. Unlike other ways to make a report, using the text line to make a report online is completely anonymous. While you may not have all of the information needed to make a report, the more accurate the information, the better the office will be able to assess the situation. Even if you don’t have all of the information listed above, you should still fill out the form.

When making a report online, you must follow the instructions of the child protective services. It is important to make sure you know what to expect when calling the hotline. Be sure to know what information you should give, what to expect when you hang up the phone, and what to expect once you get to the other end of the line. Some disciplines require mandatory reporting training. If you suspect child abuse or neglect, you must make a report immediately. You do not have to provide proof of abuse or neglect.

Reporting via text message

In the study, researchers randomly selected 50 conversations in which crisis workers used the term “abuse” to describe situations other than child maltreatment. In these conversations, the texter initiated contact, actively ended it, and didn’t respond for an extended period. The texters reported no recent child abuse, but instead, referred to substance abuse and intimate partner violence – two categories that do not fall under the mandated reporting of child maltreatment. The researchers also observed that many texters inquired about confidentiality and the policies that govern confidentiality. Crisis counselors explained that the research was not a prospective study of all text messages sent to child maltreatment services, but that some messages may be anonymous.

To report suspected child abuse or neglect, parents and other concerned individuals should first understand what the DCFS is and what they do. Reporting abuse or neglect is mandatory, but only if a parent, guardian, or other caregiver has a “reasonable suspicion” that the child has been abused or neglected. If you have a suspicion, you can use the DCFS factsheet to learn about the types of child abuse and how to refer maltreated children. The factsheet provides information on legal definitions, how to recognize child abuse and symptoms.

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