Stray kittens invaded my backyard. They were so hungry and tiny. I fed them with milk.


Milk is only good for the young cats, so give it solid food and clean water to big cats. Stray kittens should only be fed milk when they are very young. This means that you should drip-feed them milk.

When feeding a stray kitten with milk, you should look for the kitten’s appearance. Is the kitten clean? If it is not, it is probably being raised by its mother. The milk from the mother cat has antibodies which will help it survive. It is also an ideal way to introduce the kitten to proper cat behavior. If the kitten is dirty, it probably came from an abandoned litter. It is especially important to check if the kitten is clean and well-fed if it is cold.

Another food that a stray cat can be fed is cooked meat. It provides a source of protein and other nutrients. However, it should not be given fatty meat or processed meat products. Cooked eggs are good for stray kittens because they protect them from bacteria. Stray kittens have weak immune systems and frail bodies. You should also avoid giving your cat bread that is covered in spreads or jams.

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